ANmar Amdeen Senior System Developer
Jackson, Michigan (Remote)
Mar 2014 to
Part time, remote, during off-office and weekend hours. Below is list of projects created and maintained
- euLabels
- Creating web-based tool for labeling products, including design and create SQL database, tables, views and stored procedures, using MS SQL, SSMS, ASP Classic, AJAX, JQuery, bootstrap, and Font-Awesome.
- Adding 3rd party libraries like bootstrap-table to enhance user experience.
- Adding feature of locking a product, allowing multiple users interaction and modification
- Creating several APIs to be used internally inide the tool to allow fast and smooth browsing through database records.
- Creating web-based Shop-Floor-Paperwork (SFP) system, an ASP.NET application (VB.NET only) with SQL and AJAX to create paper work from database.
- Complex calculations applied to measure spaces needed to apply each section based on number of products.
- System built using Visual Studio, along with iTextPDF to create custom order paper work for all products used across the company.
- Built in several phases, starting from one type of products then ended with 5 types to assure smooth transition without interruption.
- Adding brain to the tool, like detect if this is plant A or Plant B, then decide based on that the type of product to produce, or like based on the time that order is generated if we need to have night shifts or not, etc.
- DawnsJBM
- Creating customized and flexible Excel-VBA (aka VB6 or Macros) tool to import and export spreadsheet to feed into JBM system.
- The customization added to allow users to change column assignments and export map in addition to any of the settings used inside the tool without the need of coding.
- Creating documentations, and assist during production phases with guidance of adding settings or enhancing the tool to achieve the goal.
- Project completed weeks before deadline saving company 20% of man-hours (as estimated by management).
VBA, VB.NET, SQL, ASP Classic, Visual Studio, ASP.NET, AJAX, Bootstrap, JQuery, JavaScript, Macros, VB6, VBScript
Resume links